Martin's Farm, Compost and Mulch, is a local composting farm that also provides other services to local residents and businesses.
Leaves and other yard wastes are accepted at our facility. Look for signs in the yard as to where each of these materials go. This service is free of charge.
We will take any food waste scraps you collect from your home free of charge. Look for the container in the yard that is designated for this.
Brush is accepted for a fee. We have a truck scale that weighs your vehicle on the way in, and we charge $65 per ton. Larger wood loads, as well as stumps, are also accepted. For more information on these loads, call Adam. Please stop at the office during normal business hours to pay before unloading all brush .
We pick up close, reasonably large amounts of manure from horse farms for the cost of trucking - no tipping fee is charged. We have a loader that can be brought to the site if needed. Our large truck holds approximately 30 yards and the cost is $90 per hour. Our smaller truck holds approximately 15 yards and the cost is $65 per hour.
Trucking of the loader is also charged at the large truck rate; but not for the actual use of the loader.