Martin's Farm Compost and Mulch

Open House

Saturday, May 20, 2017, 10:00 am until 1:00 pm
Martin's Farm, 341 Plain Road, Greenfield, MA

Believe it or not, spring is here, so let’s not forget that it is a great time to feed and prepare your garden beds for the planting season!

Our compost is a great soil amendment that will benefit your plant and flower beds in many ways. If it’s grass you’re looking to grow or improve, our loam and compost mix works great. We also have colored mulches that help compliment your landscape.

Our Open House

You and your family are invited to our Open House on Saturday, May 20th, from 10:00 AM till 1:00 PM.  There will be hayrides, flower planting workshops for adults and kids, and best of all, a detailed tour of our composting process.  As we all play a part in the “going green” movement in Western Mass, our part at Martin’s Farm is taking organic matter out of the waste stream and converting it into our “Black Gold” in just 13 weeks !!!

Our Family Farms will be here with us, providing information about their operation, and handing out samples of their milk products. Weather permitting, they will even bring a baby calf!

The Franlklin County Solid Waste District will be here to talk about their program, as will CISA, Community Involved in Sustainable Agriculture.

And we will also have BEAR COUNTRY RADIO here, too! Broadcasting fun music right from Martin's Farm. Maybe we can get you on the air to talk about what you do with Martin's Farm Compost? Step on up!

Some of the events at the open house will be ...

  • Kids Crafts with flower planting
  • Hayrides about every 20-25 minutes
  • A behind the scenes tour of our composting facility
  • Refreshments (including warm popcorn)

So please stop by for some fun, education, and encouragement that Together We ARE Making A Difference right here in Franklin County !!!

And remember you too can ‘Grow Like A Pro’ with Martin’s Farm Compost.